Since 2015 Musical U website dedicated to helping students to become more musical through a series of training modules and apps, as well as the supportive community they’ve created and continue to foster. They contacted me this past March asking for permission to link to an article of mine about sight reading versus playing by ear. That led to an opportunity to do a guest blog for them which is featured this month (May 23, 2018).
My article “How To Use The Magic Number To Learn Anything” explains how memory works and how it relates to learning music. I give two sample learning plans on how to put the brain science to work to learn key signatures and read piano music.
This article grew from my passion of learning about how the brain forms memory and learns. I’m always looking for better ways to teach and learn. I apply knowledge in all of the learning content I create including my method series, Treblemakers Piano Method. Thirty years of teaching private music lessons full time has been the perfect lab for figuring out what makes learning the most engaging and effective.